Monday, December 6, 2010


I find this job rather fascinating. To study a person and be able to know that person just as well as he or she knows him or herself or possibly even better takes great attention to detail. You have to be able to pick up on patterns very quickly. Ghostwriters must be very careful. The job is to make the person look better and more professional so it is important that everything is done mistake free. Ghosting takes over the life of the person doing it while he or she is on a project.

I can't say for sure if I would become a ghostwriter but if it paid well enough and took me to some interesting places I would at least consider it. I would also have to consider the amount of time that I would be gone for. I keep to myself a good deal of the time so I think I could handle it for a few months. I don't think I would want to be gone for years at a time on the same project though. It just seems like too much time to work on one project. I would like to be able to see and experience a lot of different things.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you remember the Ghostwriting movie we watched in class, but that kind of scared me away from Ghostwriting. Plus I like having my name on my work if it is something writing heavy like a book.
